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Mitsu Annai serves as a link between Japan and China to facilitate exchange of idea, technology, goods and services.

‘Everything made in Japan is unique and in high quality.’

The above statement is based on a ‘2Hs’ assumption.

Goods MADE IN JAPAN, even though not necessarily handmade, are made whole-heartedly.

Whether that is a fantasy or a reality, all depends on the maker.

But still, the assumption is valid in handmade soba noodles.

That was told by my own experience of seeing, making and tasting under the guidance of the 3rd generation soba master Hidenori Katakura in Japan.

It was this precious experience inspiring the start-up of Mitsu Annai.

一茶庵 LogoStarting from soba, Mitsu Annai created its platform for transnational cultural exchange.

From now on, while continuing our role of connecting soba lovers across borders, we will try to go one step further, positioning ourselves as a platform of facilitating know-how exchange of SMEs between Japan, Hong Kong and China.

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